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Afrika-Verein cordially invites you to

AV hosts
Africa Trade & Invest meets Managing Risk
"Setting the right frame to unlock Africa’s trade and investment opportunities"
November 6th & 7th, 2024 in Frankfurt am Main

We are very honoured  that H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud (PhD), President of the Federal Republic of Somalia has confirmed his participation as keynote speaker. Further African governmental representatives are:

  • Hon. Ousmane Mey, Minister of Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Cameroon
  • Hon. Moussa Alassane Diallo, Minister of Industry and Commerce, Mali
  • Ben Wandawanda, Chief Advisor to the President, Foreign Direct Investments & Financial Services, Malawi
  • Gilead Teri, Executive Director, Tanzania Investment Centre

Afrika-Verein’s Africa Trade & Invest meets Managing Risk Forum is a platform for solution-oriented reflections upon the current (geo-)political situation on the African continent, identifying necessary governmental and regulatory frameworks to broaden German companies' presence in African countries, mapping existing risk mitigation and financing schemes, showcasing African and German hidden champions, discussing action points for accelerating regional integration, as well as discussing what role companies and public partners can play in this process.

The following topics will be at the core of this Forum:

  • Hidden champions & Gateways for doing business
  • Mitigating Financial risk & Private Equity
  • Technology for business operations
  • Regional integration & trade corridors
  • Value addition & supply chains
  • Public-Private-Partnerships
  • Cyber Security 

The program as well as our various sponsorship options are available via the menue above.

Registration is available HERE.

Concerning the program, please contact Ms Khadi Camara (, Mobile: +49 (0)170 3711301).

We look forward to seeing you in Frankfurt!